Thursday, October 19, 2006

Escaping Our Hell

I heard a couple from India describe the work that they are doing in Calcutta.
They run a rescue mission for women who are slaves in the brothels.
Many of these girls are either run-a-ways or have been sold by their parents for money.
Many of them are country girls who have been sold as slaves to city pimps.

When these girls come to the rescue mission and begin to make life-changing decisions, they are not always able to escape the “job” that they have.
Until they are actually able to escape from the hell they live in, they continue doing what they have always done.
The husband and wife are heartbroken because they can not help all of the girls escape.
They can only “hide” a few girls at a time.
They can only pay for a few girls at a time to leave the country.
And, of course, they could be killed if the pimps ever found out that they were helping girls to escape.

So……these girls continue to do what they have always done…even though they have given their lives to Jesus Christ.

What I’m trying to say is that we all are in the process of “escaping” the hell that we have been living in.
So….patience, mercy, and grace are all gifts that we all need to give one another….while we are in the process of becoming what God wants us to be.

God’s love for us never ends.
I am so glad that God has never stopped loving me.

For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. (Jeremiah 29:11-12)

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


What’s to come in this world of mine?
Where will I go when I leave it behind?
Will I go up, or will I go down?
To get what I want I must turn my life around.
I want to sit with Jesus, just him and I,
But I must get rid of my sins before I can ever fly.
I grit my teeth day by day,
As I sit and watch Satan try to stand in my way.
He laughs in my face and says, “You’ll never make it,”
And I’m not so sure how long I can take it.
There is one thing I know, and it is true,
God loves everyone, and, Satan, that includes you.
So before I let Satan pull me down,
I’ll get rid of my sins and turn my life around.
I’m on my way to Heaven,
So, Lord, please take my hand,
And guide me with your footsteps,
So I can be a better man.

Mario J. Mares
(small group member)