Thursday, September 28, 2006

Loving My Neighbor As Myself

Wondering what it means to "Love my neighbor as myself" ?
I know I care enough about myself to feed myself. Should I, likewise, care enough about my neighbor to make sure she is fed if she is going hungry? If I clothe myself, should I also make sure others have adequate clothing? If I provide shelter for myself, should I care enough about others to make sure that there are shelters for my homeless neighbors? If I care about my own financial well-being, should I not, also, care that others have their financial needs met? If I show compassion and patience with my own faults and failures, should I not have compassion and patience with others? If I drive myself to work, school, church, the mall, or entertainment, should I not provide transportation to others not so fortunate? If I am interersted in my own spiritual growth and development, shouldn't the spiritual needs of others motivate me to acts of kindness and love? Is this what is means to "Love my neighbor as myself" ?