Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Spiritual Junk-a-holics

Wasn’t it our Master who said, “When you throw a party, do not invite your friends or your relatives or your rich neighbors. But, when you throw a party, invite the poor, the crippled, and the blind ?”

Wasn’t it our Master who said, “The healthy do not need a doctor, only those who are sick. I did not come to befriend the righteous – but I came to befriend sinners.”

Wasn’t it our Master who was accused of being an alcoholic and a prostitute lover ?

And wasn’t it the religious junk-a-holics that gave him the most grief ? All they wanted to do at their parties was sit around and argue about religious stuff !

So……….if I am going to throw a party, I need to serve more hotdogs to those of a different lifestyle – and less and less hotdogs to my religious friends. After all, if I am indeed healthy, I’m not the one who needs the Hotdog Therapy!

This whole thing is not about religious get-to-gethers – it’s all about reaching out to those who desperately need it most.

It’s all about Loving God and Loving People – whether they’re “His” or not.

So, don’t get me wrong, I love my religious friends and enjoy their company. I’m just looking for a few of them that will sit with me on my back porch with my prostitute friends.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Hotdog Therapy

I’ve come to realize that the hotdog was not intended for nutrition.
The hotdog is for therapy !

Want a casual backyard party with friends ? Break out the hotdogs !

Want to camp out, slow the pace down, and enjoy life a little?
Roast a hotdog !

Want to celebrate a birthday or graduation?
Someone will probably want a hotdog !

Hotdogs are for times of celebration. When you just want to say, “It’s great to have you here—with our family and friends!”

Yep, the hotdog is the King of Relational Therapy sessions throughout the country !

And hotdogs go with anything.
Hotdogs can come with a bun or without a bun.
They can be cut up and sauced in a crock pot.
They can be put on a stick and charbroiled.
Hotdogs go well with mustard, ketchup, pickles, relish, onions, hot peppers, cheese, chili—and anything else your imagination allows.

So, when you need some relationship therapy—bring out the hotdogs ! In reality, it’s probably the RELATIONSHIP itself that is the therapy that we all need. The hotdogs are merely a perk.

So, sure, I’d love to break bread together with you, but please don’t forget the hotdogs !