Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Creating Community part deux

Creating Community part deux

(Taken from Bread for the Journey blog - it out !)

I read a quote this morning when I sat down to my desk: "We are not put on this earth for ourselves, but are placed here for each other. If you are there always for others, then in time of need, someone will be there for you."

Jesus put it like this, "give and it will be given to you."

In other words, when I open myself up to relationship with others, I receive relationship and community in return.It costs doesn't it.

It costs our time and effort, but are the rewards great or what!

We talked yesterday about the dream that God has for all of us - to live in community. Today let's ask the question. What are some of the things we need to consider to make God's dream a reality? What are some strategies that allow the prayer of Jesus (that we might be one) to be experienced by more and more people?

Well, we must clarify our goal. What is the point of our church? We can get so busy as a church family and get caught up in the "tyranny of the urgent."

Let's ask ourselves these three questions:

1. What do we want people to become? In other words what do we want the result of our small groups to be?

A lot of churches are either skill-based churches (people becoming proficient and effective in certain skills. There are classes, seminars, courses, conference, training, and lots of it. And "lots of it," is better right? Or not?

A lot of churches are Bible-knowledge churches. Their core purpose is to help people become biblically literate. Let me quote Andy Stanley, "on the surface, this seems to be a very noble goal. What church that believes in the divine inspiration of the Bible doesn't want its people to be biblically literate...But in and of themselves, I would suggest they aren't the goal."

What is our goal? Jesus said it well in Matthew 28 to, "...Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them everything I have commanded you."

We are to make disciples. And here's an important quote from Andy, "Jesus was saying that as we go through the NORMAL STUFF OF LIFE - as we go to work, interact with our friends, and do all the things we normally do - our purpose is to relationally connect with people in such a way that it encourages them to follow Christ.

2. What do we want people to do?

The first question is the what? The second is the how?

We want people to love God and love people. Jesus said to, "love the Lord your God with all your heart...And love your neighbor as yourself."

This is not a one time love but a love that shows itself on a continual, daily basis.

I would suggest to you that spiritual growth is not one more seminar or conference but a process measured by demonstrative growth in our love for God and for others. I quote, "it is not a complete program or the acquisition of a skill, but a continual expression of love in our vertical relationship with God and our horizontal relationships with one another. Saying spiritual maturity is a point in time is like saying physical fitness is a point in time."

Intimacy in any relationship just doesn't happen.

So we are to love others within our church family, and those outside our church family.

What do we want people to become? We want them to grow in their relationship with Christ. What do we want people to do? Continually pursue three vital relationships - intimacy with God, community with insiders, and influence with outsiders.

3. Where do we want people to go?

What is "home plate" for our church?

Is it a "class" where someone learns more?Is it a service group that impacts the community or an area inside the church?Is it a doctrinal seminar for new members?

All of these of good in and of themselves.Or is it a small group where people are relating and growing in Christ together?

What do we want people to become? People growing in their relationship Jesus Christ?

What do we want people to do? Pursue three vital relationships. Where do we want people to go? Into a small group.

Love God and Love people!


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