Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Check out the view from here !

You should be up here, seeing it the way I see it !


Blogger Jon said...

Okay, now we're getting somewhere! Theologically speaking, is this the view? Or can it be the view? I would agree that it could be, but is not necessarily, the view that our Father takes. Not that I am implying that your intent was any different, just picking a point of reference to start the discussion.

God is everywhere and His vision sees all things...well, maybe vision is even the wrong word, who knows? Anyway, He is all around us and knows all that we do and say. His view of us can extend from the micro-microscopic to the macro-macrouniversal. Yes, I'm making words up! The point is that nothing is too small or too large to escape the view of God! He knows the number of hairs on my head (His job is much easier than when I was younger) and He ensures that I am clothed (like the flowers in the field) and fed (like the animals in the forest) and my needs are met (like the sparrow) in all ways. But, on the grander scale, He created the universe and all the intricate mechanisms that make it work and placed the planets and galaxies where they would be best situated. For us, He placed the Milky Way in an off shoot arm of the universe so that we could best see and discover what He had made. Look it up, don't just believe or disbelieve me. We are perfectly placed to observe the universe without running too great a risk from all those cosmic calamities.

So, God is in control (and has a good view) of us...each and every single individual one of us! He sees all and knows all! And He loves us just the same. We've ruined His planet and squandered our birthrite and ignored His voice and, through His grace and mercy in the sacrifice of His Son, we have been forgiven and redeemed to His house!

New Thought: Do I think a pure and pristine Earth is where we will spend eternity? Nope, I think we will spend eternity with God in a place even better than what we can imagine a pure and prisine Earth could be! I can only imagine...as the song goes! But I can't hardly wait...some of my friends think I am crazy when I say that but death holds no fear for me for I KNOW WHO HOLDS THE FUTURE! And He holds it for me!!

So, what do you think? What is God's view like? And where will you spend eternity? I pray that you will spend it with God (and me) in His house.

God bless and keep you. You are in my prayers tonight!


11:51 AM  
Blogger GroupLink said...

Great comment and completely in line with the stated purpose for this blog:

"We are small groups on a spiritual journey together, for the purpose of helping one another get through this life to the next."

I look forward to a comment from you and others about the view of small groups from "up there!"
Would like some comments on the name of this blog "GroupLink," in light of the view from "up there."
(Hint: comment on community, isolationism, individualism, inclusion, cultural, racial, and ethnic barriers, unity, etc. It seems to me that the view from "up there" is much different than from "down here.!")
Answer, for me, the ancient question, "Who is my neighbor?"

12:04 PM  
Blogger Jon said...

Small groups are where the "rubber meets the road!" It's where sincere and intimate connections should exist so that we can help each other grow in our lives with Christ. I'll be up front here, I struggle at times with stuff going on in my life or things that I do. I need people in my life that I can have honest and open conversations with, who won't judge me but will encourage me and keep me accountable to the way of God. That's just one of the relational connections that we should have in a small group.

As a small group leader, sometimes it's very frustrating to experience a lack of growth or a lack of community within your group. Breaking down barriers is so hard sometimes as people come in and out of the group. There are times that you just fall to your knees and plead with God to make it work. But, when it works, it works so well. There are other times, as a leader, that your heart just swells as people come together and help each other out, being encouraging and helpful.

Breaking through the walls that people have built in their lives and in their hearts takes commitment...commitment to the person, commitment to the relationship, commitment to the vision, and, ultimately, commitment to the path set before us by God. He made us for community, He made us for unity.

He made us to care for our neighbors...and that's everyone that we come in contact with. The best example that I can give is the parable of the Good Samaritan. The Samaritan helps the man who was beaten and robbed, not because he was his close friend or next door neighbor but because he needed it. The Samaritan didn't know the man before he helped him and didn't intend to see him again after. He just helped his "neighbor" because it was the right thing to do.

That's what we are called to do as Christians. It's not just a small group calling, it's a commission for all Christians. It is easier in a small group to get to know people and their needs but it is not totally necessary. Of course, being small group-centric (that's kind of like ethnocentric, reflecting the belief that small groups are where we should be and are a better way to get community done) I believe that everyone should be in a small group environment. Do I think that all people are willing? Do I think that all people are capable, both physically and psychologically? I think that, with God's help, all can be in a small group. But, then again, each person must follow the direction that God gives them. Some are called into small groups, some are called to do other ministry. That's the multi-faceted face of God. He uses us where He wills and qualifies us to be there. We don't have to be qualified before we go (thank God for that) but He will give us the strength and the knowledge and the guidance to be successful in what we do.

May God direct you to a small group today. May you be willing to open up to the group effort. May you be enriched beyond your wildest dreams by the Holy Spirit.

Love God, love people. Make community happen!


8:20 AM  
Blogger Charlie said...

Hey Jon,
I think I can see your house. Theres alot of people there. I don't see my car. I must be late. See you in a little while save me a spot.

12:17 PM  

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