Friday, May 19, 2006

Getting It All Together


Blogger Jon said...

I was going to comment but I'll let someone else start the parade!

God bless and keep you.


7:05 AM  
Blogger Charlie said...

This picture seems to be coming together and looks like it will be complete. When were not in Sunday service or at T-group there's pieces missing and in scriptural terms the body isn't complete. I know this puts a burden on people to have to be accountable to a church or group of people on a consistant basis. But look at the really big picture. God is going to hold us accountable for what you do or don't do.
The excuses we make to ourselves and to others for why we do or don't do some things, will these really wash with God? Everybody is important in the body of Christ. When your missing, the picture isn't complete and a vital ministry is missing.
Let's all get it together so everyone is complete in Jesus Christ.

12:30 PM  
Blogger Jon said...

Now, that's some talking right there! I agree with you. The puzzle only fits together when all of the pieces are present and put in the right place. That means being there, right where God wants you to be or even right where you are needed to be if God hasn't laid a burden on your heart for a certain ministry. Rangers are near and dear to my heart...and I try to be there all the time but it is not where God has placed a burden on me to be. Some of you would ask, "Then why do you serve there?" The answer is simply that I am needed there at this point and time. I have been up front with leadership (both church and Ranger) that at some point, God might/will pull me away to do something else. Until then, I serve the need. I'm not patting myself on the back and I don't want to sound like I'm boasting. That's not it at all...I am just one example of people that serve the needs of this church/body because they (the needs) need to be met.

Not every ministry requires a calling from the Lord. Stop gasping and put your jaw back in place! I'm not committing some blasphemy here. It's just truth on a general scale. What every ministry needs are people who are willing to do the work, day in and day out, to make sure that it (the ministry) thrives and survives.

People are the pieces of the puzzle...they are what makes community work. If people are not involved (Oh, I've not been called to small groups/Small groups are not for me/I'm too busy to be in a small group/etc.) then the ministry is left up to a devoted and dedicated few. Small groups are where we are headed as a church and also as the body of Christ...what we establish now will sustain the body during the tribulation. Now, I know there are pre-tribs and mid-tribs and post-tribs in our church but even if the pre-trib belief holds true, the unchurched people (or those who haven't made a decision yet) who have attended your group (or someone's group) will know where to go for the answers. As for me, I'm a pre-trib guy but my house is prepared to provide the answers when the lost come to seek after the Rapture. How about yours?

Community is the goal and how we get to live throughout eternity. Let's practice now!

Love God, love people.


8:21 AM  

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